Category:Machines & Tools -> Others
Country:All countries
Country: China
Region: China
City: Shanghai |
Street: No.6, North Jiasong Road No.3821,
Phone: +86 21 60529386
Fax: +86 21 69007689 |
Firm Rank: |
Dear Sir:
I am very pleased to introduce myself to you. We are the professional hardware and metal products exporter. We are exporting hardware and plastic products as per samples or drawings from our customers. Especially we have advantage in the non-standard hardware, it include: STAMPING PARTS, DIE-CASTING PARTS, the lathe machining parts, PLASTIC INJECTION, caster, etc. We export these products to USA, Europe, and Germany, etc.
Another we have own machining factory. The main product is[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lower Silesia
City: Wrocław |
Street: Tarnogajska 18
Phone: +48 71 78 250 18
Fax: +48 71 78 250 21 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
The Limited Company “WTW Engineering Sp. z o. o. Maszyny i Urządzenia Przemysłowe” established in 1995, to provide (EPC) engineer, procure and construction of our specialized equipment along with external sourcing and installation/ construction, to meet our expanding client needs. Our markets now include; Cement, Power, Coal, Mining, Chemical.
WTW in Poland, although a young company with modern design and engineering capability, has extensive knowledge and experience in these industries.[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa |
Street: Sochaczewska 13
Phone: +48 22 6654933
Fax: +48 22 6640134 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
A close relationship and qualitiy are not just business axioms but a claim that has to be proved daily. Founded in 1910, Ziehl-Abegg had another trend-setting breakthrough in the 1950´s when the external rotor motor was developed as a motor for fans. Since that time the principle has been optimised and transferred into many new applications.
Ziehl-Abegg, your partner around the globe!
Ziehl-Abegg has developed an outstandig image and became market leader in important areas, such as the drives[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdynia |
Street: T.Wendy 7/9
Phone: +48 58 6609570
Fax: +48 58 6617132 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
"BIBUS MENOS" Sp. z o.o. is a Polish-Swiss joint-venture established in March 1999. It derived from the company MENOS, founded in 1994, and the Swiss family company BIBUS AG. Currently (August, 2005) our staff consists of 45 people.
The target of BIBUS MENOS is delivering modern industrial components, systems and devices onto the Polish market.
Over 50 well known manufacturers from Europe, the USA, South Korea and Japan are represented by our company. Our aim is to strengthen systematically[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdańsk |
Street: Cienista 14
Phone: +48 58 3034539
Fax: +48 58 3225010 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
P.T.R. BALTIC ENGINEERING Sp. z o.o. swoją działalność usługową rozpoczęło w październiku 1992 roku. W pierwszej fazie rozwoju Spółki wykonywane były regeneracje części maszyn i urządzeń przy pomocy środków chemoutwardzalnych Chester Molecular. Wymogiem chwili było szybkie uzupełnienie gamy stosowanych technologii o metody spawalnicze wykonywane na bazie sprzętu i produktów firmy Castolin - co znacznie rozszerzyło zakres oferowanych usług.
Wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lower Silesia
City: Łódź |
Street: T. Gajcego 3/5
Phone: +48 42 6488336
Fax: +48 42 6488742 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Spółdzielnia Pracy "ELKON" istnieje od ponad 40 lat i jest głównym producentem na rynku polskim:
- reduktorów i motoreduktorów planetarnych ogólnego zastosowania - moc 0,25 -
2,2 kW; obroty wyjściowe 11 - 225 obr/min; przełożenie 5,5 - 64
- sprzęgieł podatnych
- urzadzeń laboratoryjnych:
cieplarki wodno-elektryczne CWE-4
cieplarki suche CL bez wymuszonego obiegu powietrza
cieplardki suche CSL z wymuszonym obiegiem powietrza
suszarki SL z wymuszonym[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lesser Poland
City: Chrzanów |
Street: Fabryczna 16
Phone: +48 32 6246666
Fax: +48 32 6232925 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Firma „Bumar-Fablok” S.A. funkcjonuje na rynku od ponad 85 lat jako producent wyrobów i usług w branży budowlanej i kolejowej. Program produkcyjny Fabloku obejmuje: konstrukcje spawane maszyn budowlanych, podzespoły kolejowe, koła zębate, przekładnie, odkuwki matrycowe i swobodnie kute, systemy hamulcowe dla pojazdów szynowych, uniwersalne stanowiska do badania hamulców wagonów, wózki Y25 Lsd1/Y25Ls(s)1 do wagonów towarowych, modernizacje i remonty lokomotyw spalinowych, a także[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Silesia
City: Bielsko-Biała |
Street: Szyprów 17
Phone: +48 33 8184-133
Fax: +48 33 8184-679 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
SPETECH is an engineering company established in 1988 offering production, services and comprehensive deliveries relating to asbestos-free industrial sealing solutions.
Now SPETECH offers a comprehensive customer service program including not only product sales but also consulting, training and assembly and operation supervision for the end-user. We are carrying out this mission through a network of high-class engineers, recognized to be one of the best in the European national sealing consulting[...]